Bought 1000 Shares of AMD

On Monday I sold a 10 Contract Naked Call with Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). This Call has a Strike Price of $96. Today the stock is moving on an announcement that AMD is expanding business with Amazon Web Services (AWS). With 3 day until expiration I decided to cover my Naked Call. I think it will turn out to be a good idea. I bought 1000 shares of AMD at $94.75.

Buy 1000 Shares AMD @ $94.75

As I write the stock is up $2.50. I hope it keeps moving and I get assigned. This would give me another $1.25 ($1250) on top of my $1100 premium.

This is now a Covered Call on a very good stock so it now has a Risk Factor 1.

Successful trading,


The Options Coach

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