Sold a 10 Contract Call on AMD


Back on 5/28 I sold a 10 contract Call on Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). A few days ago on 8/27 I bought that Call back for a $500 profit. A few minutes ago I sold the same Call again.

The Call I sold on 5/28 was a 10 contract, 1/17/20 Call. I received a premium of $2.65 for $2650. On 8/27 I bought that Call to close the position for $2.15 locking in a $500 profit. I did this when Trump was doing some of his tweets and AMD dropped back. The last few days Trump has been quiet with his trade tweets and the market has been moving up. With AMD up again I saw an opportunity to resell that same Call again. The first time I sold the Call I received a premium of $2.65, today I got $2.70.

Sell to Open 10 AMD 1/17/20 $35.00 C @ $2.70 (+$2700)

As you see this is a $35 Call. Will I hold this Call until expiration? Or will the market volatility continue and I do another “Buy to Close” with a profit before expiration? Only time will tell!

This is a Covered Call against previously owned stock. This trade gets a Risk Factor 1.

I was able to get in and out of this position, and now in again, making a profit because I’m watching AMD closely. Along with AMD I’m watching about 10 other stocks. I can also see something on another stock anytime, or read a report on another stock, and get into a position anytime. However, I feel it’s very important to follow a limited amount of stocks. If you do this you can watch closely and get in and out of position as the stock moves. I’m a swing trader! If you try to watch too many stocks it gets very difficult. You will probably miss the right opportunity to make the optimum trade, which is hard enough. As I write AMD dropped back a little. The premium is down to $2.50. Because I’m watching closely I was able to get $2.70. Not much but it is $200! If I didn’t pull the trigger when I did I might not have even made the trade. Anything can happen in this volatile market, but my point is concentrate on a few stocks you like. Don’t try to watch 50 stocks. You will miss opportunities. And it will drive you crazy!

As I’m writing I see on the TV that Trump is tweeting about the Fed. I wrote how I feel about this before. The Fed is independent! It should not get involved in politics! The president of the United States is a political position, voted in by the people. The president should deal with what he had in he’s power to achieve he’s political goals for the country. That is what he got voted in to do. The president appoints supreme court judges and he appoints the Fed chair. After the appointment he should not try to do their job or influence their decisions. He should do that before he appoints them with interviews.

I really feel that President Trump, with his narcissistic, control freak sickness, is setting up excuses in the case his trade scheme doesn’t work. He’ll have someone to blame!

I’ve said this before. There’s not too many people on this earth that you will love everything about. I like Trump’s policies and how they’re working. I will not vote for anyone else in this field. However, he is a jackass! If things with the economy do not work out perfectly I will not except his excuse. Which I believe he will blame Powell.

Please email me your thoughts.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!


The Options Coach

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