Back on 11/1/18 I bought 100 shares of Netflix (NFLX). Today I sold the shares making a nice profit.
This is a huge weekend with the G20 going on in Japan. Will we get a deal with China? Will we get a partial deal? How will the meeting with Putin go? Let’s not forget the situation with Iran can become a very serious problem! Will rates get changed in July? With all these issues I decided to take a little money off the table. Selling 100 shares of NFLX might not sound like much but I sold the shares at $368. Thats $36,800! Not only did I take $36,800 off the table, but I also grabbed a $5120 in profit. I bought the 100 shares at $316.80 and sold at $368. That’s a nice 8 month profit.
11/1/18 – Buy 100 Shares NFLX @ $316.80
6/27/19 – Sell 100 Shares NFLX @ $368.00
Profit +$5120
I’m not saying I’m not interested in NFLX from here going forward, I’m just out of the stock for now. In fact I might be back in NFLX very soon, however, I’m thinking about buying an options instead of owning the shares. I know I don’t talk much about buying options, but to keep my investment down, I can buy an option for much less money. I might even make this move today so you might get another email on the details; if not today very possibly tomorrow. If I make this move I’ll have much less money on the table for this weekend. Stay tuned!
FYI, today NFLX received a big upgrade with a price target of $440.
The Options Coach
+17% in 8 months going long….try getting return that a bank! Bravo coach!
Yes Fablivingnyc! That’s the only way you can look at it.