I was not able to make a post for 3 days now. I noticed I had a problem with my computer on Sunday morning when I tried to write my week ending report. I tried to log on to the administration page of my website and I couldn’t. I work on a MacBook Pro. After talking to a few computer experts, who do not use Apple products, I decided I better get to an Apple store and have my problem checked out. I went last night and they couldn’t resolve my issue. However, that did set me up with Apple Support which I had to call today. I was on the phone for about 5 minutes and I’m back in business.
Now I have a lot of catching up to do. I have the week ending report to write and I made a few trades yesterday and today which I have to report. I cannot get to that work now because I have to run to the gym because I have a workout scheduled with the high school basketball kids. Tonight I’ll be at Fiore’s Pizza all night, so the first chance I’ll have to get my Main Street beats Wall Street work done will be tomorrow morning. I’m sorry for the delay in my work but this computer problem in the blame. I’ll get the posts up as soon as I can.
The Options Coach