Take a look at this

Hi Readers,

I just received an email from one of the many blogs/sites I follow. It came from Tyler Chianelli, he’s the owner of the very popular blog, “Options Traders Club.”


Hi Coach,

The first two months of 2017 are almost passed and my year-to-date performance inside the Options Trader Club portfolio (including LEAPS positions) is up +21%. Not a bad start at all. Now this all can change on a dime of course, but when you have a plan and systematically take profits — the positive portfolio returns start to become a by-product.

There is opportunity everywhere out there, and even though we’re in this low volatility environment (VIX currently hovering between 11-12), we’re still facilitating smart long-term and short-term trading strategies. I executed three new trades for my Club members today and before I share these with you I wanted to update you on the ARNC trade:

He goes on to talk about some of his successful trades. Then he signed the email as it is below.

Tyler Chianelli

Owner & Head Trader
Option Trading Coach / Options Trader Club
Work: (844) 478-4625


A 21% return in less than 2 months is unbelievable! And I commend Tyler. This is why I follow him. I love learning from other traders. I only get his email, I’m not a subscriber. The catch is his subscription fee. See below:

It’s not an unbelievable fee for a good service but it’s a decent amount. By the way, I’m not a subscriber, I have no idea how good it is, or how good his trades are.

I have also been trading for the same amount of time, this year, with my blog/site Main Street beats Wall Street. Sticking to my “2017 Challenge” I wanted to show you my results. I will be doing a quarterly report but I received this email from Tyler trying to get me to join his site, so I figured I’d give you a little preview of my results a month early. The first quarterly report will come at the end of March. As Tyler said, “Now this all can change on a dime of course,” and he is totally correct!

Take a look at this screen shot I just took from my performance page of my account:

I hope my picture comes clear when I hit send. If you look at the dates on top in blue, this is my result starting 1/1/17 thru 2/23/17. As I said in my “2017 Challenge,” I started on January 1st with a Beginning Value of $110,323. The Net Contribution is the monthly profit I take according to the challenge, $2000 for January. I’ll take another $2000 in a few days for February. My Change in Value is $58,146. Ending Value, which is the value of the account now. And the BIG one is the Portfolio Return, 53.66%.

I thought this was a pretty interesting comparison putting the results of a site charging a nice fee, with the results I got with Main Street beats Wall Street. Which is totally FREE!

If you know anyone interested in learning how to trade options, please show them Main Street beats Wall Street. It’s completely free and always will be!……I hope lol. The more readers I have, the more I concentrate.

If you haven’t already read my “2017 Challenge” please do so.



The Options Coach


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