Do you love what you do for a living? Do you love getting up in the morning? Are you happy? I hear every day of my life how unhappy people are. I’m talking about very successful people. Doctors, lawyers, accountants, business owners, entertainers, very smart successful people. Many people are not happy!
I speak to people every day about “Main Street beats Wall Street.” They can sense the passion I have for the stock market and being an options trader. Many don’t understand why I have this site and run a blog. “You put so much time in” I hear all the time. “What’s in it for you?” They cannot understand why I post all my trades, answer many emails and even sit with anyone who wants to learn. When I introduce someone to “Main Street beats Wall Street” and I say I teach option trading for free, They look at me like I’m nuts! They want to know “what’s the catch?” When some see the success of my trades, they even give me suggestions on how I can make money with my site.
Since I started working I loved every job I ever had. I think it’s very important to be happy with what you do. You do it everyday-all day, you must be happy! Some of the things I’ve done for a living are, a welder, firefighter, basketball coach, bar owner, nightclub owner, restaurant owner, pizzeria owner and options trader. I loved every single one of these jobs! Yes even being a welder. I loved showing up on a job site, flip my mask down and do my thinking while I work. No one bothers the welder on the job site. There’s a little prestige being the welder on the site.
I continue to love what I do, which is running my pizza joint and trading options. When it comes to coaching, I don’t need to get paid for teaching. I would coach basketball for free and I’ll continue to coach people with their options education for free. As long as I’m passionate about coaching, I’ll do it free. No one needs to figure out why I do it free. I do it free because I love what I do. I want to help prevent others from losing money in the market like I did. Learn from my mistakes. I did lose money, I lost plenty! I look at it as the price for my education and I want to share my education with you.
The moral of this story is, be happy! If you’re not happy with what you do, change what you do. Life is too short! I haven’t used an alarm clock in years. I wake up because I can’t wait to get up! The market opens at 9:30, I’m up before 8 to read reports getting ready to start my day trading. 8am might sound late for some but Fiore’s pizza closes at 4am lol. I have a good friend of mine who left a 15 years union job with good pay and full benefits. He wasn’t happy! He started a business and now owns multiple businesses. He is now happy and loves getting up in the morning.
The Options Coach