Sold My QQQ Long Option Position

This is a good day! I just locked in more profit with the selling of a 1 contract Call with QQQ. I bought this position on 5/16/24 and sold it today, 1 month later. This was a position I planned on holding long term; it had an Expiration Date of June 2025, but with a nice profit in the month I decided to sell and lock in profit.


5/16/24 – Buy to Open 1 QQQ 6/20/25 $450.00 C @ $50.60

6/17/24 – Sell to Close 1 QQQ 6/20/25 $450.00 C @ $71.00 

Profit +$2040


This is a 40% return in 1 month. I will be back into another QQQ position within a few days.


Successful trading,


The Options Coach


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