Bought 1 More Nvidia Call

Earlier in the day I posted that I bought 3 Nvidia Calls on 5/30/24 and sold 2 of them this morning. On the 2 Calls I sold I had a profit of $4000. After I sold these Calls the stock continued to move up and the 1 Call I didn’t sell closed the day up $4660. If Nvidia goes up tomorrow this 1 contract will continue to grow in value.

Later in the day, with the stock moving up, I decided to buy another Call. I bought 1 NVDA 6/14/24 $1210 C at $41.70. This position went up close to $1000 in profit. I now own 2 Calls going into Thursday. I wouldn’t be surprised with a little profit taking tomorrow, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if the stock goes up another $50 going into the split.

My 2 positions

1 NVDA 6/14/24 $1140.00 C @ $50.00

1 NVDA 6/14/24 $1210.00 C @ $41.70

As I posted earlier, I will be going into the weekend with 6 contracts. So, tomorrow or Friday I’ll be buying another 4 Calls.

As I write Nvidia is up $4 in the aftermarket.

Successful trading,


The Option Coach

4 comments on Bought 1 More Nvidia Call

    1. Thanks for reading, Clyde. We are approaching the split and it should be interesting!

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