Out of My 3 NVDA Calls

I just sent out a post about 3 minutes ago reporting that I bought NVDA Calls. Well, The stock popped within 2 minutes and I decided to jump out with a nice profit.

5/28/24 – Buy to Open 1 NVDA 6/14/24 $1140.00 C @ $50.00

5/30/24 – Buy to Open 2 NVDA 6/14/24 $1140.00 C @ $50.00


5/30/24 – Sell to Close 3 NVDA 6/14/24 $1144.00 C @ $55.00

Profit $1500

I’ll be watching closely for an opportunity to jump back in. With the DOW down 330 and the Nasdaq down 40 I thought it was best to take this profit. Not bad for a 3 minute trade.

I think Nvidia will stay volatile so there should be more money making opportunities in the next week.


Successful trading,


The Options Coach 

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