In and Out of Another Broadcom Option

A few hours ago I posted that I sold my 1 contract Call that I bought on Thursday. With the selling of this Call I had a gain of $7700. What a fantastic profit in just a few days! A little while ago I bought another Call. This one was a 1 contract Call of AVGO with the Strike Price of $1780 and the Expiration Date of 6/26/24. I paid $120.

After I bought the Call I got busy doing a few things, and I was answering a question sent to me from a reader about how I was going to trade AVGO from here. Because I was busy I did not yet get to post this trade. When I was done writing to a reader I noticed AVGO popped. The position I paid $120for was now $135. I decided to sell the position I just bought to lock in another $1500.


6/17/24 – Buy to Open 1 AVGO 7/26/24 $1780.00 C @ 120.00

6/17/24 – Sell to Close 1 AVGO 7/26/24 $1780.00 C @ 135.00 

Profit +$1500


I think, at this point, with the stock moving up big in the last few sessions, I’m gonna look for a little “profit taking” pull back. I don’t know if that will happen but I locked in $7700 plus $1500 on the day for a total of $9200 so whichever way the stock goes I’m fine. I’d love to get back in at $1780.

With Nvidia and Broadcom my “Stock Split Strategy” has been working nicely.

I answered a question from a reader about my future moves with AVGO. You can read that short answer HERE. My answer is in the comments below that post. You can also email me anytime.

Good luck!

Successful trading,


The Options Coach