3 More Nvidia Trades to Report

I continue to make trades with Nvidia that fall into my stock split strategy. I reported about a week ago that Nvidia will be doing a 10:1 stock split this coming Friday, June 7th. The stock will trade at the new split adjusted price on Monday morning, June 10th. I believe the stock will open on Monday in the area of $120 – $130 per share.

I have 3 trades to report, 2 with GRANITESHARES NVDA LNG DAILY ETF (NVDL) and 1 with Nvidia (NVDA). If you invest in NVDL, be very careful. I try not to hold this fund overnight. The 2 trades here I was in and out on the same day. The Nvidia (NVDA) trade I was in for 6 trading days.

The first trade with NVDL I entered yesterday. At the close of the market I jumped out because it had an Expiration Date of June 7th and I didn’t want to hold it overnight. I ended up making $100.

6/4/24 – Buy to Open 5 NVDL 6/7/24 $63.00 C @ $2.30

6/4/24 – Sell to Open 5 NVDL 6/7/24 $63.00 C @ $2.50

Profit +$100

This was a small profit but I’ll take it!

This morning I bought another 5 contracts of NVDL. This position had an Expiration Date of 6/14/24. I did this just in case I couldn’t get out with a profit. I would be able to hold through the split of Nvidia, if necessary. I bought 5 NVDL 6/14/24 $65.00 C @ $4.40. Nvidia is moving nicely today so I placed a sell order at $5.40. This would give me the $500 goal I had for the position. I was filled about an hour later.

6/5/24 – Buy to Open 5 NVDL 6/14/24 $65.00 C @ $4.40

6/5/24 – Sell to Close 5 NVDL 6/14/24 $65.00 C @ $5.40

Profit +$500

I will buy another 5 contracts of NVDL between now and Friday’s close. I will hold this planned position until Monday.

6 days ago I bought a 3 contract Call with Nvidia (NVDA). All these positions fit into my stock split strategy. With Nvidia’s move today I had a nice profit so I sold 2 of my 3 contracts. I decided to lock in some profit with the selling of 2 contracts and I kept 1 contract in case the stock continued to move up, which it did.

On 5/30/24 I bought 3 NVDA 6/14/24 $1140 Calls for the premium of $50. Today I sold 2 of these contracts at $70 locking in a profit of $4000.


5/30/24 – Buy to Open 3 NVDA 6/14/24 $1140.00 C @ $50.00

6/5/24 – Sell to Close 2 NVDA 6/14/24 $1140.00 C @ $70.00

Profit +$4000

I still own 1 more contract which is increasing in value as Nvidia continues to move up and is about to hit $1200 per share as I write. If I hold this 1 remaining contract until the close of Friday it will become 10 contracts at the lower share price on Monday morning.


Stock Split Strategy Trades

So far I made 10 short term trades with NVDA and NVDL in 2 weeks. Every trade was a winner and my total gain so far is $15,550. I am hoping this is just the beginning. I still have 1 contract of NVDA still alive and that has an additional profit of $2500 right now if I sell today.


Planned Trades with NVDA and NVDL

As my pre-split strategy winds down the main part of my split strategy is approaching quickly. I plan on buying (2) 3 contract Calls with NVDA on Friday. These Calls will be At-the-Money with the Expiration Date of 6/14/24. This is a short term option but I plan on selling these 6 contracts on Monday. At this time these 6 contracts will be 60 contracts at the lower split adjusted price.

I plan on selling these contracts on Monday because many times a stock will pop after the split and followed by profit taking. This profit taking is called a SLAM; which may or may not happen. Just remember, PIGS GET SLAUGHTERED.

After the SLAM I will be out of all positions. Then I plan on buying more Call contracts of Nvidia. These will be At-the-Money and the Expiration Date will be out at least 6 months. Many times after the SLAM the stock will start working its way back up toward its pre-split price.

My plan for NVDL is to buy 5 contracts on Friday. These will also be At-the-Money with the Expiration Date of 6/14/24. These will be sold on Monday.

My plan is to buy Calls with NVDA and NVDL on Friday, however, if NVDA pulls back tomorrow, Thursday, I will get into the planned positions tomorrow and not wait until Friday. Either way they will be At-the-Money with the Expiration Date of 6/14/24.

Good luck, and if you decide to get involved in Nvidia’s stock split, do not over invest! Invest only what you can afford to lose. Be careful with your hard earned money.

Successful trading,


The Options Coach