Let’s Get Started
Recession, depression, unsettled U.S. economy, unsteady economic growth, interest rates, unemployment rates, GDP, geopolitics, national security concerns, catastrophic events, corporate earnings, a broken government, political division, world leaders tweeting etc., etc., etc. It’s news that moves the markets! We get more news on these subjects than ever before which leads to a more volatile stock market. Also, widespread corporate scandals in past years have shaken public trust in institutions (mostly in the financial sector) which makes it very clear that self-reliance or at least self-education when it comes to finances is critical. The days of writing checks from your savings to some portfolio manager (kid) and remaining complacent, secure in the belief that an investment would take care of itself, are long gone. No one cares about your money as much as you do. Education, education, education and your investment/trading philosophies are the things you must work on in order to make your money grow. When it comes to educational material, access is great. Books, TV, the internet, and of course this website, “Main Street beats Wall Street.” You only have to put in the time. As time goes on, you will know my philosophies. You can read 10 books and get 10 different philosophies. You must develop your own according to your ideas and risk tolerance. The road to wealth is not always a smooth highway; many times it’s a rocky road. Not only are most people unwilling to take a little risk, but many are unwilling to get on the road, period! That’s fine with me, but for those of you who have decided to get on the road and play the stock market game, one of the greatest areas in which you can invest and receive the greatest reward is your own brain. Education will help get you through that rocky road. Having said that, when it comes to options, no matter how logical you are when coming up with reasons to use them, your trading strategy must be an appropriate match for your level of risk. Remember, options can be very high risk or very low risk. Every options trade I post will include my 1 to 5 “Risk Factor” rating — 1 being low risk and 5 being high risk.
The first thing you must do is set up an on-line stock trading account. I use “Think or Swim” which is a program by Charles Schwab. If you already have an account, make sure you are set up to trade stock options. If you never traded options, they will probably only allow you to trade “Covered Call” options, (see the Stock/options Glossary) which is fine to get started and learn. You will be able to add more advanced strategies to your account as you get more experience. If you need help choosing an on-line broker you can send me an email. If you have experience, you are already in business.
If you’re going to use “Main Street beats Wall Street” as a learning tool, make sure you read all my posts along with all my pages of “Philosophies, Strategies and Risk” and “Educational.” Some of the material can be intimidating. Do not let it happen. The learning process takes time. One subject at a time, one day at a time. Think of it as a hobby and you will be pulling in big cash in no time. Take a look at my results in my posts, or past posts, and in “MY Positions”, you will be amazed. If you miss a post you can always go back and catch up with old posts. You can check my blog section to see if I made a post or you can be put on my email list. Go to the subscribe box in the sidebar. Enter your email and hit “subscribe.” Go to your email and accept. Cancel any time. Your email is secure, it goes no further. If you just want to check during the day, you can put the blog address in your “favorites” so you don’t have to type the address every time. I will be posting all my trades. If you have any questions on a trade you can email me at Coachsjc@gmail.com and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If I don’t have a trade to post I might write an article on something about the market, the economy, maybe information on a stock or option I’m involved in. Maybe some political BS to stretch the comedic wrinkles out of my brain. So stay tuned and let’s get in the game and beat Wall Street.