2020 Year To Date (YTD) Report
This is my Year to Date (YTD) Report, which I like to get out on Dec 1st. I’m a little late! Everyone knows I had shoulder surgery. The prep for the procedure is worse than the procedure itself. Especially with COVID. Well , it’s all over except for the rehab. I’m feeling pretty well and rehab starts Monday, 3X a week for 6 weeks. Hopefully I’ll be as good as new.
If you take a look at last year’s YTD report, which was written in a timely manner, on Dec 1st., one of my 1st lines is “I’ve had a year only Warren Buffett could wish for.” You can read that report at Year To Date (YTD) report. I can use that line again because this year’s YTD report blows last year’s report out of the water. Last year on Dec 1st I was up 94.26%. That was the biggest year ever!
2020 came into the world in the usual way, but that’s about it. From there on COVID would dominate the world’s news. In January COVID started getting introduced to the world, and the world will never be the same.
The stock market, and my trading, in January and February was pretty normal. In fact at the end of February my account was up 12%. That wouldn’t be bad for an annual return. Early February the talk of a pandemic was becoming more and more real and the possible effects of COVID on the world’s health and economy were becoming a reality. On February 20th the markets started to go down. By March 23rd the markets hit bottom and started back up. Why did it start back up, and continue up? I have no idea! From February 20th to March 23rd my account went down 35%. After making some adjustments to my account while the market was going down, I’m very happy I only went down 35%. If I didn’t make some adjustments in early March it could have been a lot worse.
For last year’s YTD report, which was Dec 1st, I was up 94%, but I ended 2019 up 101% on Dec 31st. Being down 35% in March of 2020 I felt it would be hard to match last year’s gain of 101%. Being down 35% in March I posted numerous times that I was setting my 2020 end of year goal at 65%.
After March’s bottom the markets started to move up. It was the craziest thing. The pandemic was in full swing, the economy was shutting down, unemployment was going through the roof, but the market was moving up. I worked hard on my trading decisions and my account started to look better. By the end of April my account was back to the level of January 1st and it was time to start working in the black, and work toward my goal of 65%. With my Fiore’s Pizza doing no business as a result of COVID, and Manhattan shutting down, my back was against the wall to make money. My focus was on my trading. Nothing in the world looked good but I needed winning trades. I concentrated! In my Results Week Ending 7/31/20 I wrote I was up 52% and had 5 months to go up 13% to get to my 65% goal. In my Results Week Ending 8/14/20 I wrote I was up 56%. Then the Apple and Tesla splits were announced and I played them right. After the splits, in post Results Week Ending 9/4/20 I had the biggest 1 week gain ever at $118K. I wrote that my yearly goal of 65% has been doubled.
To be up this much during the COVID was just unbelievable! And that’s not the end. I continued making winning trades. As of this past Friday, December 11th, my account is up a whopping 217%. And no, there’s no decimal missing! That’s two hundred and seventeen %.
If you look at my Trade History 2020 page you will see I haven’t had a week less than $10,000 since 8/14/20. The week ending 9/11/20 I did not make any trades. I was very busy organizing and running a 9/11 ceremony. I did list a gain of $2200 but that was from a trade the week before.
I am very proud of these results and this year can change my life, but I’m most proud of Main Street beats Walls. On December 31st it will be 5 years old. In that time I posted every trade I made, and posted on my exit. I’ve posted many lessons and teaching points I thought were important. This site takes a lot of time, and if I think I can help one reader I will continue, completely free! If I can make $10,000 a week do I really need a subscription fee? Sometimes I get overwhelmed with emails, but I don’t care. Keep sending them. I’ll get to them as soon as I can. This world is in a very bad place. I don’t like what I see from governments. I don’t like the feeling I get about the possible long term damage of COVID, or future COVIDs. The feeling of being able to make money from home gives me peace. And I will do whatever I can to help you do the same. I don’t need to post what I’m doing in the market. I do it to help and inspire anyone who wants to learn. And after seeing my results, you should want to learn more.
With 3 weeks left to this crazy year I’m gonna continue doing what I’m doing. If I have any losing positions in my portfolio on December 31st I’ll probably dump them for a tax write-off. You can look at all my current positions on my Active Trades/Current Positions page. The losers I’ll dump so the last week of the year might be a loser.
My concern with Main Street beats Wall Street is my account is getting pretty large. To make trades while leveraging my money my trades are getting much bigger. I’m afraid the Grasshoppers will not relate to what I’m doing because they don’t have the money in their account to make similar trades. This is still a learning site. So, for 2021 I plan on starting a “Grasshopper Trade” page. On this new page I will make real trades but they will be trades a beginner can make. Or the type of trade a beginner might want to look for. Trades like buying 1 or 2 contracts when buying LEAPS. Or doing Covered Calls with quality lower priced stocks. Buying 100 or 200 shares and not 500 or 1000 shares. I’ll be working on this page and it should be ready by the first week of 2021.
I’m telling you, you can do this. I’m no genius! I just put in the time. Keep reading, keep studying. Slow and steady, steady and slow, you’ll be making money in no time. I’m here to help, and answer any questions.
Enjoy the holidays and stay safe. And watch me finish out the year strong!
Successful trading,
The Options Coach