How To Rebuild Wealth Fast In 2021
I just opened one of my hundreds of emails I get everyday. I would rather these email be from Main Street beats Wall Street readers, but they’re not. Not all of them anyway! lol.
This email was titled “How To Rebuild Wealth Fast In 2021.” I normally don’t open these teaser emails but I was bored, and I felt the content of the email would give me something to write about. I was right!
When I opened to see what it was about, the content was exactly what I thought it was. It was about winning stock picks with massive returns. How to rebuild wealth if you lost everything. Then there was another link to hit, Click here to download this blueprint to building rapid wealth. The bottom line is they are preying on people who lost a lot of money in the market. Now they want them to give them more of their money.
At this point I had enough. I know I didn’t go too far, but you must understand, I get these everyday, and I’m sure you do to. I know if I kept hitting links, eventually, they would get to asking me for money. I seen just enough to write this short post.
The moral of this little post is there is no “get rich quick” scheme in the stock market. Yeah, you could have bought 10,000 shares of Apple when it was $2 per share, like the gurus did. Or you could have bought 50 Bitcoins for $5 like the gurus did. But you didn’t! And neither did they! If you want to try to pick the next stock that will go from $2 to $3000 you go ahead. Or buy Dogecoin and hope it goes to $50,000. You could get lucky!
Me, I’d rather learn about the financial markets and be a smart investor. Forget about the “get rich quick” schemes and do your homework. Develop a philosophy and strategy that fits your risk tolerance. Develop a philosophy of slow and steady, steady and slow. Develop a strategy that will give you a nice Return on Investment (ROI). I am not happy with 15% a year. I don’t think I’m being greedy, I reprogramed my brain to believe I can get 1, 2, or 3% a week with a premium alone from selling options. If I get assigned and make an additional 2% from the stock sale, great! But you must understand, and you better believe, going for 10% a week is not going to happen! Not on a regular basis anyway. You will have trades that do that, but if you push for that you will lose money. I want you to learn from my mistakes. Believe me, I made plenty of them. Even if it’s not a mistake, and a trade just goes against you, you will lose money. Most mistakes stem from greed.
Maybe you don’t want to be a trader. Maybe you want to buy and hold. Which ever road you take do your homework, and don’t rely on anyone for stock picks to get rich quick. Don’t be lazy, do your homework!
When it comes to stocks, I’m a trader. When it comes to cryptocurrency, I’m studying and learning but not comfortable enough to trade. I’m more of a buy and hold guy for now. I bought 5 different types of coins in 2017 and I’m still holding them. There might be something to this crap lol.
I wanted to write this post because I know these emails get overwhelming. I don’t want you to get sucked in. They want your money! If they were so good at picking unlimited winning stocks they wouldn’t need your money.
Slow and steady, steady and slow. The tortoise wins the race! It’s all about a consistent, realistic, Return on Investment.
Successful trading,
The Options Coach