Changes to MS beats WS

I would like to welcome this week’s new subscribers. We have been getting a slow trickle of new readers since our inception back in January of 2016 and our numbers are getting up there. I do not advertise so I thank everyone for the word of mouth success Main Street beats Wall Street is having.

Main Street beats Wall Street has been going strong since January 1st, 2016, five and a half years. Since then I have posted every trade I made, and they’re all listed in the Trade Histories of the year they were made. I would say 99% my trades were posted in a timely manner, as I made them. As of today every email has been answered; maybe not in the same timely manner, but they were answered. And there have been quite a few lol. Most of you know when I answer an email I don’t cut it short. And I thank you for all of your nice comments. Some are in the Blog Blurbs in the menu bar. In addition to my trade post, and attending to emailed questions, there have been many comments and lessons posted.

When I started Main Street beats Wall Street I owned 3 businesses, 2 night clubs and a pizza joint. Also in the pre-COVID days I was doing a lot more traveling. I am now completely out of the businesses with the COVID closing of Fiore’s Pizza a few months ago. My traveling, and everyone else’s, is almost down to  being completely idle. However, It seems like I have less and less time on my hands. Maybe Main Street beats Wall Street is demanding more time, maybe my home spring work and repairs are more during COVID. I’m not sure,  but I feel like I don’t have time to get my work done.

With this lack of time I put some thought into making a few changes to Main Street beats Wall Street.  Hopefully changes to make it better.

I want to concentrate on the reason this site was started in the first place, teaching how to trade options. In the beginning of 2021 I started the section “The Grasshopper Field.” As a result of your emails and comments I now feel this section is the most important part of Main Street beats Wall Street. And I’m going to start treating it as such. My goal is to put less time into the site with unimportant posts, and more time with the very important Grasshopper section and answering important emails. With this in mind I came up with a few changes to Main Street beats Wall Street.

While ALL of my trades will continue to be listed on my Active Trades/Current Position page, all trades might not get a long explanation post. All Grasshopper Trades will continue to get explanations with a post, but I wonder how important my big trades are to Grasshoppers. Main Street beats Wall street is a learning site. Is a new trader learning from a post reporting a 20 contract trade with a $250 stock? I think a successful trade of a position this size is inspirational, and gives something to work toward, but is a Grasshopper really learning from this trade post?

A Grasshopper reading about me bringing in $10,000 is premiums for the week; is it helpful when the Grasshopper might have a $10,000 account? Is it inspiring or discouraging? Does the new trader look at this as something he can do eventually or does he look at it as an unachievable goal?

I am well aware that we have some very experienced traders who are looking to be more successful, but the majority of the readers are in the beginning stages of their learning.

With this in mind, and the fact that I have to manage my time better, I came up with a time saving plan.

While all my trades will be listed on my Active Trades/Current Positions page I will not be writing long posts about my big trades. These larger trades might not even get a post. If you want to see all my trades they will be listed as I make them on the Active Trades/Current Positions page. Anyone that has a question about a larger trade they see on this page, please send me an email. I love answering emails!

All Grasshopper Trade will be explained with a post as I make them. These trades will become the heart and sole of Main Street beats Wall Street. If I make a big trade before a Grasshopper Trade I might mention the trade in the post of the  Grasshopper trade. I will also try to make more Grasshopper Trades for you to learn from.

My weekly report will list and give the results of the Grasshopper Trades. The larger trades will not be listed. All larger trades will be listed on the Active Trades/Current Positions page and the Trade History page. I will no longer post my total weekly results of all my trades. Only the Grasshopper Trades. If you want to see my total results you can go to the Active Trades/Current Positions page or the Trade History page. Larger trades will be posted only if there is an important lesson to be learned from it.

I’m working on a “Discord” account. When this is complete ALL my trades will be sent out as I make them. The trade can be on your phone immediately.

With my administration capabilities I can monitor what pages are read and which ones never get looked at. A while back I started a section called “Wealth Builder.” Main Street beats Wall Street is a site to learn how to trade options. However, I started this section to show readers why I invest other than trading. When I look at the small amount of times these pages get “hit” and the time it takes to maintain the pages, I decided to do away with “Wealth Builder.” The entire section goes weeks and months without being looked at. Maybe it’s a good subject for another site lol.

The Wealth Builder is already removed, but the other changes will be more gradual. I’ll be mentioning the trade post changes for a while, but changes will also start immediately.

If you have any question or comments about these changes please send me an email. I feel the posting changes will give me more time to myself and more time for my trading without having to report every trade as I make them. Grasshopper Trades will always be a priority!

Watch for my first, new format, weekly trade results.


Successful trading,


The Options Coach