Grasshopper Report 4/30/21

This is the Grasshopper trades weekly results for week ending 4/30/21.

I would like to welcome the readers from Singapore. I’m not sure how you are hearing about Main Street beats Wall Street but I’m very happy you are on board. In the last week we had over 500 hits from your country. Please continue to pass the word about this site.

It was another nice week for “The Grasshopper Field.” The amount of money I’m bringing in with these trades is not very large but the percentage gains on money invested is fantastic! Percentage wise “The Grasshopper Field” is doing better than my main trading account. These are the kind of trades you should be making and learning from. I don’t think I ever had over $15,000 invested at any one time and we already brought in over $5000.

If you are a Grasshopper continue making these types of trades. Continue with “Slow and steady, steady and slow” and you will be learning the correct way. And remember this is not a “get rich scheme.” But before you know it you will be making real nice money.

Here are the trades that expired this week.

U.S. Steel

4/23/21 – Sell to Open 1 X 4/30/21 $24.50 C @ 70¢ (+$70)

4/30/21 – Expired 1 X 4/30/21 $24.50 C 

Profit +$70


4/26/21 Sell to Open 2 M 4/30/21 $17/00 C @ 45¢ (+$90)

4/30/21 – Expired 2 M 4/30/21 $17.00 C

Profit +$90


4/26/21 – Sell to Open 1 CLF 4/30/21 $18.50 C @ 40¢ (+$40)

4/30/21 – Expired 1 CLF 4/30/21 $18.50 C

 Profit +$40

U.S. Steel

4/23/21 – Sell to Open 1 X 4/30/21 $23.50 C @ 95¢ (+$95)

4/30/21 – Expired 1 X 4/30/21 $23.50 C

 Profit +$95


Total Weekly Gain +$295


I was not assigned on any Grasshopper positions so I’ll be trying to sell more Calls against these shares this week.


Successful trading,


The Options Coach