Sold 5 AMD Calls

While I was giving an options trading class in Ft Lauderdale I made a trade as a “show & tell.” I bought 500 shares of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) at $81.07 and sold a 5 contract $81.50 Call. This trade gave me a 1 day premium of $350. I was not assigned. This morning I just sold another 5 contract Call.

A few minutes ago I sold 5 AMD 3/19/21 $82 Calls for a premium of $2 for $1000.


Sell to Open 5 AMD 3/19/21 $82.00 C @ $2.00 (+$1000)

This trade gets a Risk Factor 1.

This is a good trade to start off the new week.


Successful trading,


The Options Coach